Thursday 9 August 2012

Dawn - Game Grumps Challenge

So I was watching a Pokemon play through by the Game Grumps (Egoraptor and Jontron) when the asked for a piece of fan art done. I think this was meant to be a joke but I took it as a challenge.

Here is the episode for all those interested.

Anyway here is what I came up with and the work process behind it.
step 1.
Here I done a quick loose plan of what I wanted to do. Low opacity for convenience when it comes to the line art.

Step 2.
Using a hard black brush at 100% opacity I drew the line art. This was done on several layers.
Step 3.
Quick plushie versions of Egoraptor and Jontron. Being Game Grumps I kept the scowl expression. (they both have magikarp training duties XD)
Step 3.
I created a quick black and white version of the image so I could work out the values to make the image stand out. Note that the sky is fractionaly darker than the skin.
Step 4.
Yeay colour! This is just blocking in colour for the next stage.
Step 5.
I added shading to make the image stand out and pop more.
Step 6.
Jontron and Egoraptor plushies coloured. All that is left is to add a few blades of grass and we are done.
Hope you enjoyed the quick manga tutorial. Had alot of fun doing this and I hope to do more. If the Game Grumps are reading this, I beat your challenge!

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